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Self Care to do list
I recently wrote up this list for BODY, the Body Dysmorphia (BDD) charity I volunteer for. Lauren the CEO asked me to write a quick list of things that are cheap/easy to do that will help you feel better about you. So if you have 5 minutes for self-care or 50 minutes, there's something in here for you.
I shared this Beyonce retouch photo on my Facebook a couple of weeks ago. I've felt this blog post brewing for a little while, so decided to get my thoughts out after having spoken about it with other industry professionals.
READ MORE »Interview: Everyone's Looking Rosie
I've brought back my interview series! I did them a few years ago, but I'm going to bring them back and let you all find out for yourselves about some of my favourite wedding suppliers. First up in the list is Rosie, from Everyone's Looking Rosie.
How to beat wedding stress
Apparently the three most stressful things that can happen in your life are moving house, having a child, and getting married. And yet some people do all three in 12-18 months which makes me quite dizzy. Buying my house last summer during peak wedding season was enough to make my head swim, and I didn't even have to move house!
No matter how exciting planning a wedding can be, and it really can be stressful, these stressful situations require some time off. It's a big life event, and you're already balance many things that come with life - work, relationships, running a house, trying to have down time. Don't let yourself be the one you put to the bottom of the pile.
Power lipstick
Lipstick is so underrated. In these cold and dark weeks after Christmas, everyone's mood slums and enthusiasm for the New Year wains ever so slightly until the days noticeably get longer and payday comes around again. Last week was a washout. I felt rubbish about everything and couldn't motivate myself at all, then I beat myself up for feeling like that instead of being nice to myself. I had to nap because I was exhausted from not sleeping properly, so I wasn't kind to myself about that either! When you feel this low, it's difficult to motivate yourself. I'd flicked through my Timehop in bed and came across this:
"Today is a power lipstick kind of day."
Interview: Rock N Roller Hair
Sarah from Rock n Roller Hair is a font of all knowledge relating to wedding hair. She's also the absolute go to person for all things hair extensions, as she's trained in ten different methods. Who know there were 10 methods to even know about?! She's super calm to work with on a wedding morning, and we always have a giggle together. I asked her about her experience in the wedding industry and how she's finding lockdowns and not being able to work...
My eyebrows and me
Top Tips For Your Wedding Preparations
Being in the business for over a decade, I've picked up so many tips from weddings about beauty preparations before the big day that I'd love to pass on to my brides to be!
Non Make Up Items In My Kit
The most used things in my makeup kit are often not items of makeup, or even skincare. Here's a little run down of all the bits and pieces I keep in my travelling makeup kit for a wedding day. You never know when something might come in handy!
READ MORE »Sutherland and Barnett - Part One
You know when you get a phone call that just stuns you and you don’t know what to say? That was me when I had a phone call from Andrew Sutherland, Director and one of the head stylists at Sutherland and Barnett; a hairdressing and colour salon. I’d entered a Facebook competition to celebrate the salon’s 10th birthday, and I won £1000 of hairdressing!
Interview: Anna Rose Heaton
Anna Rose Heaton is a wedding and family photographer, but also a trusted retoucher of other wedding photographers in the East Midlands. Her photography style is best described as romantic and she gets stunning images you won't have even thought about, or seen her taking! She’s a diamond and she loves a pun, so we're kindred spirits!
I love that Anna's Instagram feed is just full of beautiful authentic happy smiles, that were just so blissed out in a specific moment and she caught that moment forever in a photo. Smiling is lovely, as is Anna :) I asked her some questions about her business and the lockdown, and she's kindly answered here :)
READ MORE »January Blues
January; the expectation of a new year. "Tomorrow is the first chapter of a new book; make it a good one!"
READ MORE »Interview: Ed Godden
I've worked with some fantastic photographers in my time, but there are few that I recommend unless I've met them and know them to be thoroughly awesome people. Ed Godden is one such person! I met Ed when he photographed Maya and Jamie's big day in 2015. Any time I get a wedding booking where I know he'll be photographing it, I do a little leap for joy. JUST LOOK AT THOSE PHOTOGRAPHS! Ed's been in the business a while so he's quite the wedding photographer alumni, but he's not faced a pandemic before either so I caught up with him about how's his 2020 been so far...
READ MORE »2015 - that's a wrap!
2015 has been incredible for Ms Moo and for me personally. I've tried to tot up my top 5 moments/achievements of the year for both!
Interview: Moira Borg
Moira has been working as a hairstylist for over 15 years, but specialised in bridal hairstyling for around half of that time. It's always a joy to work with Moira on a wedding morning, knowing what a calming prescence she has and cheeky sense of humour like me.
As she's a recommended supplier of mine, I wanted to interview her so you know more about her!
Skincare for the summer
So how is everyone's skin holding up this summer? Between dodging rain showers and the baking heat, I think I’ve just sweat a lot!
The sun might be sporadic but we need to be prepared for it. Following on from my other summer skincare post, as today is the first day of August let's make the effort to look after our skin. Here are some super easy things you can start doing every day!
Interview: Mon Amie
Where have the last five months gone, does anyone know?! There have been so many tier shifts, restrictions, and lockdowns that I haven't known if I'm coming or going. I know I'm not the only one in the wedding industry (or beauty industry, for that matter) who feels like this. The months have felt never-ending, especially when waiting to hear when we can return to work. I miss being a wedding makeup artist so much! I miss my clients. I got to see some in the latter part of 2020 which filled me with such joy!
One such wedding was with one of my recommended suppliers and super wonderful wedding besties, Mon Amie. We caught up at that wedding and despite not being able to hug as we always do, the warmth from being in her company again gave me such hope. She's a wonderful hairstylist and a wonderful human. Find out more about her, her lockdown, and her wishes for the future below!
(by Twig and Vine Photography)
READ MORE »Interview: SaywellHQ Photography
Today's blog is an interview with Andy from Saywell HQ Photography. I've only met Andy once, but with the type of person he is, we clicked straight away! He's a good human and you can get his personality from this interview. He's one of my recommended suppliers, and I'm super pleased I've got more weddings with him this year :)
"Nottinghamshire-based photographer; stealthy! Passionate about photography, professional and takes really lovely non-intrusive photos and captures really lovely moments without you ever knowing he was there. Apart from his epic beard ;)"
READ MORE »Dry skin and make-up
There was once a girl with dry skin who thought she’d never find a foundation to ever make her skin look good. She searched for that wonder product for all her years, and never did her one true foundation come to being. Sad, the felt she’d never get good foundation coverage until she met her fairy make-up godmother who gave her some skincare advice...
READ MORE »What Ms Moo has been up to
Oh, my poor blog; how I’ve neglected you!
I made a resolution to blog every week back in 2016 and I kept to it! I achieved 52 blogs in 52 weeks… and then I trickled into 2017 and hardly blogged at all. Six times in fact!
I got to know Jaye through Twitter, as a blogger with a witty tongue and kind heart. She writes passionately and loves make-up; why wouldn't I love her?! We spoke about her dissertation piece in which she had to produce a magazine, and she asked if I'd write an article for it. I really enjoyed writing it so I've copied it below but you can see all things Jaye related on her blog here. (p.s. she does some AWESOME sale posts every now and then, keep your peepers out!)
READ MORE »Interview: Pear and Bear Photography
Anna from Pear and Bear Photography asked me to do makeup for a styled wedding photoshoot back in September 2017. I couldn't attend the photoshoot so I was super excited to see the photos and all the efforts the team had put together for the shoot, and I fell in love with them. The images were so soft and beautiful, and I adored the colours. This is still the most epic bouquet shot I've ever seen! She's a lovely human being and coupled with being a photographer, she's a self-belief business coach. I caught up with her about her photography work, and how COVID has been for her...
READ MORE »Summer Skincare
I apply SPF to my face each day; so much so that I probably remember to do it more than I do brush my hair!
READ MORE »Rachael's Wedding
I've known Rachael since September 1999 when I moved high school to Rhiwabon in Wrexham. We sang in choirs together, did school plays together, carol concerts, played sports, did Maths, and got in trouble! We fell out of touch upon changing schools for sixth form/college but got back in touch about 6 years ago through the brilliant medium of Facebook!
She asked me to do her wedding make-up back home in Wales as soon as she got engaged to Jason; of course, my answer was yes! Her wedding morning was super relaxed, and it was lovely to catch up with her family; mum Elaine and sister Charlotte. She got married in the same church we sang in as kids.
My favourite makeup primers
Primers are a great part of my makeup kit, and I love telling people in my 1-2-1 lessons how they work and what they are all for. I have a range of my primers in my kit because I need to be prepared for all skin eventualities so you certainly won't need all of these.
Sutherland and Barnett - Part Two
What is this, another blog? I've got other blogs lined up to see out the rest of 2016, but I couldn't leave the year without another instalment from my hair adventures with Sutherland and Barnett. To re-cap (no pun intended!), I won £1000.00 of hairdressing services from them to use over 12 months! Hayley was tasked with colouring my hair and telling me what was achievable and suitable for me. Good honest advice is always welcomed! At my consultation, she took a strand of my hair to test how well it would lighten and told me to book out a good 6 hours for my transformation...
Hangover repairs
You wake up, you don’t know what time it is, you don’t WANT to know what time it is but you know you’ve got that thing to go to today, and you really don’t want to but you really have to and why, oh why did I have that Sambuca to finish the night... does this sound familiar?! C’mon, let’s not beat about the bush here; holidays are comin’, as are the hangovers. Dirty indulgent hangovers from all the dirty indulgent festive booze...! Here's a photo of me from over 10 years ago after a Christmas party. It is NOT pretty; but it's here to show that I know how awful you can feel (and look, let's be honest!) the morning after the night before when you did all those sambucas...!
READ MORE »Becky's Wedding
Becky contacted me through a mutual friend, hairdresser extraordinaire QueenB's Hair. She'd been nervous about booking a make-up artist, and told me deciding on someone to do her make up was a very scary prospect, as she'd been having the most nightmares about her make-up going wrong for some reason!
Jenny and Kitty
I got my studio in Hockley with Emma of Luna Photography about three years ago now, and whilst we're not in the studio all that often at the same time we flippin' love working together when we can get in. Emma does a lot of commercial, wedding and family photography but we've also our business, Flashes and Lashes which is a makeover photoshoot experience. Whilst we're known for our pin-up/vintage styling, we absolutely love working with people who want a photoshoot to just feel good about themselves - whatever the style, we absolutely guarantee to have you smiling and feeling good when you're at Flashes and Lashes HQ.
Favourite make-up brush
Man, I have so many brushes. I bought a few single ones when I started getting into makeup then my lovely friends bought me a whole roll of makeup brushes and I didn’t know what many of them did; so many new and exciting things, I was gobsmacked! I now have two brush 'kits' (my personal one and my professional one), and I’ve changed many around when I’ve found better quality ones. That said, I don't spend loads on my brushes; there are a few specialist brushes that I've splurged on and some have been fabulous, some have been atrocious but it's one of my mid-range brushes that's my favourite make-up brush.
READ MORE »Treatment Tuesday with Nickie Devolution
I've known Nickie through the alt online scene for a fair few years now (Facebook says 5 years, but I reckon longer with the age of Myspace!) she is the owner and founder of Devolution Magazine and The Alt Collective, a fashion and art charity event that started in 2009. She's a one-woman machine with a dedicated contributing team working on the only alternative independent print magazine out there covering fashion, music, art, tattoos, lifestyle culture and photography; Devolution recently released Issue 40 of the magazine signifying 10 years of actual print! A decade of independent publishing is an incredible feat.
Christmas Beauty Gift Ideas 2024
We are all feeling the cost of living the last 18-24 months, and no more so than at Christmas! So I'm back again with my Christmas Gift guide for all beauty lovers, but breaking it down into price guides and aiming more at the great stocking fillers.
READ MORE »Christmas Present Ideas 2024
Following my Christmas Beauty Gift List last week, here's my regular gift list! Lots of great small businesses, and other recommendations from me from over the course of the year that I think you'll enjoy!
READ MORE »About lessons
Make-up lessons are one of my favourite things to do; I love putting makeup on people and giving little tips and hints on how to do things better or recommending a product to them. I pride myself on being down to earth and being a realist; I’m not one for spending buckets on lotions and potions, but I like to find the stuff that works and recommend things I’ve tried and liked or that I think is good value for money. I like a good bargain!! That said, you really do get what you pay for; you're instantly going to tell the difference in quality in certain products, be it skincare or make-up.
(by Luna Photography)
Hey, I'm Sali! If you didn't know I'm a specialist wedding and events makeup-artist with well over 10 years of experience and pride myself on having really high standards of service.
If you're looking for a wedding makeup artist, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that I often encounter that might help you when considering booking me!
Trial advice
Wedding make-up is about making you look the very best version of yourself possible. Getting to know each other will help us come up with an absolutely perfect plan for your wedding make-up, ensuring you look and feel the very best you can on your big day. When you come for your bridal trial with me, it's our time to get to know each other; you can ask me all your questions about make-up as you'd like! I get a lot of questions about what to bring to a trial, so here are a few pointers.
READ MORE »Wedding Make Up Interview with: Sammy

Five Things You Don't Know About Me
Getting to know me! I know that I have been around a long flippin' time in the make-up world, but I figured I'd let you into some bits and pieces about me!
READ MORE »Makeover Boudoir Days with Tigz Rice
I'm fizzing with excitement that I'm going to be working with the inimitable award-winning boudoir photographer Tigz Rice on three makeover days in London in early 2022!
Wedding Make Up Interview with: Emma
Emma got married in August 2021 at The Gilstrap, the Newark Registration Office. While we had some worries early in 2021 as to if the wedding would go ahead or not (pesky COVID!) she managed to keep her wedding date as planned and partied hard. Emma's not a big makeup person, and wanted a super light look that freshened her up.
The INKEY List
The lovely team at The INKEY List recently sent me some goodies for a new range they have launched!
READ MORE »Wedding Make Up Interview with: Louise
Louise and Luke got married in Elvaston Castle in September 2019. You might have already seen some photos from their wedding day on my blog here, and you'll also recognise Louise from my interview with her as Kickass Gatherings. She very kindly answered my interview questions and so I wanted to share them here, and more images from her gorgeous day! One of the smiliest brides ever, and she also had my lovely vintgae hair pal Sarah from Pin Up Curl on styling duties.
Wedding Make Up Interview with: Ellie
Ellie and Louis got married in May 2024 on a bright sunny day, getting ready at her Mum's Wollaton home before going to St Andrew's church at Castle Gate with their reception at the gorgeous Holme Pierrepont Hall. Ellie had a great group of long-standing friends as her bridesmaids, and they all properly looked out for each other on the wedding morning.
10 Reasons To Choose Ms Moo For Your Wedding Day
I was considering writing this as a blog myself, and I may still do it one day but today, this blog comes to you from my client Heather in a review she left me on Google... have a look here if you don't believe I didn't write this DREAMY review myself.
Wedding morning tips
I've had the privilege of being at flippin' loads of wedding mornings; here's the expert advice I've picked up over time which may help you on your big day...
International Womens Day 2024
I never work on International Women's Day. It's the 8th March, and every year - along with my birthday, and my work anniversary, and Christmas - I buy myself a nice cake and a bottle of champagne! I absolutely make sure that I book the day off in my diary in advance. I wholly believe in celebrating myself on International Women's Day and think you should too! Especially as this year it falls on a Friday.
Last year I wrote a blog recommending some of my favourite female wedding suppliers who're doing great things. This year's theme is #InspireInclusion - here to celebrate those people who raise you up, bring you under their wing, who'll speak about you in rooms you're not in, and who will cheerlead you when you're rocking and comfort you when you're sobbing. There's very few people that will do that so selflessly, so this blog is here to celebrate those that I've found provide that incredible support and do things every day that will inspire inclusion in all that they do.
READ MORE »Skincare Routine
Starting a skincare routine can be daunting as heck. What order do you do things, what things should I put on - is there anything I can realistically leave out? Do I have to spend all that money? Now I'm no skincare specialist, and I'll never claim to be one. If you've a thirst for knowledge about all things skincare then I wholly recommend Caroline Hiron's Skincare - The No Nonsense Guide - it has incredible advice in it and more knowledge than you could ever imagine! There's also two incredible skincare specialists I recommend in Nottingham if you're looking to get specific help.
However, here are my tips for all skincare types!
More than a makeup artist
As a make-up artist, it's my job to ensure that your face is picture-perfect on your wedding day.
What you probably won't see on your wedding morning is me watching your face and your body language. I'll watch your expressions and what your face is saying when you're not speaking, see how you're breathing and if you're doing a panic. What you say, how you say it, and what you don't say are all really important to me to make sure that you're ok.
Art Deco Boudoir in London
Hello, lovelies! I'm back to tell you about another gorgeous boudoir makeover day I'm doing with the fabulous Tigz Rice in London's finest art deco bar, Fontaine's on Sunday 6th and Monday 7th November 2022.
Jo's wedding
I've known Jo probably about 9 years now through work, and she's always been a joy to be around. She's so kind and caring, her personality is just infectious and you can't help but feel good around her. I've done her make-up a couple of times for special occasions but when her and long-time boyfriend Damien got engaged, she booked Lucille's Locks and myself ASAP for her wedding makeover team.
Pin Up Curl
Happy bank holiday Monday everyone! I'm hoping that the sun is shining but I'll be honest, I'm over in Ibiza so I've no idea what the weather is like in the UK. Don't hate me too much!
READ MORE »Burton Town Hall Wedding
Leigh got in touch with me super early, in October 2018 for her February 2020 wedding. Have I said how I love it when people book me in advance because they want to make sure they can have me for their wedding day?!
Wedding Make Up Interview with: Lucy Sutton
Lucy contacted me in 2020 to book her and Adam's wedding in for 2021, full of hope that the world would've returned to normal. Alas it wasn't, so we shuffled to 2022 and her and Adam did the paperwork earlier. They weren't compromising on their big wedding reception at the lovely Setcops Farm!
On meeting Lucy, she had two stipulations - she absolutely wanted me to use my Bridal Eyes eyeshadow palette, and wanted a red lip. So, that's exactly what we did!
On the big day, I got her and her three bridesmaids ready super early in the morning as Lucy had some engagement photos done with Adam and their dog Aria before guests arrived. They were super relaxed about their morning and because of it, they just had the absolute best time! As you can see from their photos below :)
Becca and Matt at Hazel Gap Barn
I can't believe that Becca and Matt had their day a year ago today! Becca had to reschedule their wedding a stonking four times; from April 2020 to September 2020, then to March 2021 and finally September 2021! When they got married there were thankfully no restrictions in place at all and they could have the day they'd always wanted.
Interview: Kickass Gatherings
You might recognise Louise on my blog, as she's been featured a couple of times now - both as a bride and on my International Women's Day blog this year! This time she's here in her professional capacity as a a professional Humanist celebrant, aka Kickass Gatherings!
Wedding Make Up Interview with: Melanie
Mel and Gawin finally got to say their "I dos!" in January 2022, having had to reschedule from October 2020 and February 2021. She married her beau Gawin at Morley Hayes, in Derbyshire.
Ms Moo's Sales Shopping List
I decided early on this year not to do Christmas presents with friends or family, but to donate to some charities close to my heart. I'm going to donate what I would've spent on presents (Framework, CALM, Heads Together and MOAS) and instead of going to be booking in some mates' dates! Exchanging time is far more valuable to me when I'm this busy so I'm looking forward to planning some of them in for the coming months.
Mollie & Ben at Hazel Gap Barn
Mollie and Ben had to reschedule their wedding from March 2021 to May 2021, but they sure partied hard anyway. They could only have restricted numbers allowed at their wedding, but they were determined to get married - and got married they did! And today is their first wedding anniversary so I'm here blogging about their wedding to celebrate - congratulations Mr and Mrs Douglas!
Swancar Farm Wedding
My last wedding of 2019 was with the lovely Charlene and her babes at Swancar Farm Country House. Getting married just before we entered 2020, the venue was still decorated for Christmas which you just know is going to be beautiful!
What Make Up Brands I Use
Everyone should experience luxury when having their makeup done! After all, it's a special occasion and you deserve to feel truly fabulous, from a wedding day to a day out on the town! That said, I don't think that any animals should be harmed for us to feel this good.
It's why I've been a cruelty-free makeup artist now for over 10 years. That means I won't support brands that sell in countries where animal testing is required for their products to be sold. No products in my kit have been tested on animals, and a very large portion of it is vegan too - which means that there are no animal derived ingredients used either.
Sadly there's a lot of brands out there that do still test on animals - Nars, MAC, Dior, Bobbi Brown, Benefit, L'Oreal, Estee Lauder, Elizabeth Arden, Elemis, Clinique, and Armarni, to name a few.
There's no need for animal testing in this day and age. You can absolutely have luxury products that are cruelty-free! I will always endeaver to go above and beyond to make sure the items in my kit will deliver impeccable results.
So here's a few brands that I keep in my kit that you can be assured also have good ethics!
Jenny & Eddie at Kelham House
Jenny got in touch with me in January 2017 about her wedding in June 2017, but due to a mix up with an email address, I wasn't able to get in touch with her! Technology well and truly failed us, and I took to Facebook to look for people with her name and surname. Alas, I couldn't find her so couldn't let her know I was available for her wedding makeup. This made me sad because she'd said she really liked the photos on my website! Fast forward to June 2017 and unfortunately, the make-up artist she'd booked had been taken ill and she contacted me again with the right email address and I was still available! We arranged a trial, high-fived on the make-up and breathed a big ole sigh of relief.
Pin Up Wedding Makeup
Vintage wedding makeup and pin up wedding makeup have been hotly requested styles of makeup requested of me in the 12+ years I've been doing weddings. For a good few years between 2010 and 2016, I was one half of Flashes and Lashes; a vintage-style makeover photoshoot collaboration between myself and Luna Photography. I didn't have any specific interest in vintage but I think because of this experience it's become almost one of my signature looks with wedding makeup. It's a timeless look that suits so many people, guaranteed to be elegant and sophisticated while still able to amp it up to be as glamourous as you want!
Interview: Pin Up Curl
Sarah from Pin-Up Curl is my work-wife! We work on loads of vintage weddings together, and I know that any wedding morning I'm with her, we'll have an absolute blast. I'm gutted that it's now over a year since I've seen her and worked with her, and can't chuffing wait to see her! Here's a little catch-up with her about the last 12 months and her future plans...
(by Shot by Amy)
READ MORE »Do's and Don'ts for your Wedding Make Up
I've been doing wedding makeup for twelve years now (I surprised myself when I looked back at my diaries for it!) and have seen so many different weddings with so many different traditions. More and more of my couples are looking to set their own traditions for their weddings, and I'm 100% here for it! I'm particularly looking forward to celebrants being able to legally marry people, and all of my couples based in England being able to get married outdoors without restrictions. Those in Wales and Scotland can get married wherever they want; how cool is that!
Wedding makeup doesn't have to be anything other than unique to you. There are no rules to follow, but I do like to impart such guidance as below. But remember, you're the boss and you get to choose what you take away from them.
Interview: Perfect Silhouette Hairdressing
I'm bringing back my recommended supplier interviews! There's still a few on my recommended list that I haven't interviewed, so I figured I'd catch a few more for 2023. Starting with the lovely Robyn aka Perfect Silhouette Hairdressing. I wrote about her for International Women's Day too as she's making great waves both in a hairstyling way, winning National awards, and for the LGBTQ+ community in setting up All In Love; an inclusive wedding fair in Lincolnshire. Here's a bit more about her and her business!
READ MORE »A Colourful Wedding at Home
The glee in my heart when Hannah contacted me to tell me she was getting married and was I available on her wedding day made me squeal at my desk.
Interview: Helen Sutcliffe
Helen Sutcliffe is a wedding hairstylist with over 10 years experience of being a freelance wedding stylist. Being a cruelty-free wedding makeup artist, I flippin' love that she's so staunchly cruelty-free - beauty products don't need to be tested on animals! Helen's got such a lovely calming presence on a wedding morning - she's the quieter version of me, watching everything that's going on, and looks after her bride in such a gentle and loving way. I love that she always (ALWAYS) has a half way treat of a can of Diet Coke!
I caught up with her for my first recommended supplier interview of 2024...
Christmas Present Ideas
Welcome to the season of sparkle and joy! As the festive spirit takes over, what better way to celebrate than by giving the gift of glamour? This Christmas, immerse your loved ones in a world of beauty with my carefully curated makeup gift guide.
Whether you're shopping for a makeup enthusiast or someone just starting their beauty journey, we've got the perfect picks to make their holiday season merry and bright.
READ MORE »Wedding make-up review
Morning lovelies! I'm currently on holiday in Malta so I'm not around right now so here's a review from one of my lovely brides in 2014/2015. I don't know who it was as it was an anonymous review from a bride who voted me to win Best Make-Up Artist in the East Midlands at the Wedding Industry Awards!
My eyebrows and me; part two
I posted this blog back in September 2016 about my eyebrows and me. The appointment with the salon I had booked my eyebrows with didn't go ahead, and it did knock my confidence a bit; my eyebrows are really important to me, and not having had any for 10+ years it was really disappointing to be treated so badly. But it didn't deter me in finally getting them done, it just took me 6 months to find time where I could get them done!
Wedding Make Up Interview with: Kirsten
Kirsten and Chris had their festival themed wedding in September 2021 at the wonderful Sherwood Glade. Getting ready at home in Sherwood with her besties and brood, she then drove herself to the wedding at Arnot Hill in her open top car. What a rockstar!
DIY SOS - Save our Skin!
Okay, so now it's reeeeally pretty cold and we need to do something about the effects it's having on us. The cold mornings are biting at your nose and toes, your lips are chapped and your skin is drier than a desert. Central heating and air conditioning are awful for your skin. Before this winter really takes hold, take 30 minutes out of your evening to do this and Save Our Skin! If you’re like me, you’re skint in prepping for Christmas so I want to keep this cheap as chips and you can use a lot of ingredients from your kitchen and store cupboard to look after your face. Free beauty treatments? Woo! Maybe you can get your partner or a mate to help or even join in :)
(by Luna Photography aka Flashes and Lashes)
READ MORE »Laura's spring wedding
Laura contacted me in December 2015 about her July 2016 wedding, which was lucky as it was my last available date in July 2016! She was really keen to get a trial booked in so that she could cross me off her to-do list, so she came to me in February 2016. It was also neatly timed on her 30th birthday so she was truly pampered before having an evening our with her hubby to be. We changed up her lipstick though. Can you believe this woman has always been self-conscious of her lips? Her lip shape is absolutely MADE for lipstick to be applied!
Top ten under £10.00
Here's my list of year-round goodies that you absolutely MUST have in your make-up bag or on your dressing table.
Ruth at The Walled Garden
August 2018 went by in a bit of a blur as I did more weddings that month than I'd ever done before. During the lockdown, it's been great going back through my photo archives to find weddings to blog, and I came across Ruth and Tim's big day. I spoke with Emily And Katy Photography who captured the day at The Walled Garden in Beeston and browsed their beautiful images. I've also included Ruth's review of hiring me which truly made me cry!
Make Up Brands In My Kit
When clients get in touch about booking me for wedding makeup, I'm often asked what's in my makeup kit and what products I use. Once you've come to my studio in Hockley in the city centre of Nottingham, you'll soon see the extent of my kit!
Lizzie's wedding day
I've known Lizzie for quite a while as I work for the same company as her, and I'd done her make-up a few times for Flashes and Lashes' shoots. She emailed me in September 2014 to ask about wedding availability for August 2015 as she wanted to check if some of her favourite suppliers were available before she booked the venue... how honoured am I?!
Tips for Winter
Let's be frank here; if your skincare game isn't on point, then your makeup won't be. You could have half the beauty counter in your makeup bag, but you need a 10/10 skincare regime! So here are some top tips for the winter to get your skin through it in one (gloriously moisturised) piece...
Wedding Make Up Interview with: Lottie and Emma
Lottie and Emma got married at the lovely Cockliffe Country House in July 2023. They'd originally planned for 2020, but then EVERYTHING happened and they postponed to 2021. Seeing how things we're in early 2021, they decided to postpone their wedding reception to 2023 so that COVID could absolutely chuff off and they would be safe in the knowledge their wedding celebrations would be as full throttle as they initially planned!
And it absolutely was, but they had damn good reason to celebrate. Not only had they dealt with the pandemic, they relocated back to Nottingham after living in London for 10 years. Lottie also underwent emergency urgent spinal surgery the week of her legal ceremony. A rough couple of years, but these two were ready to let their hair down...!
Lottie and Emma both answered these questions seperately by email so don't know what the other answered, haha!
Top 6 picks for the Illamasqua sale
As you know if you're a reader of my blog or have ever had a 1-2-1 make-up lesson with me, I adore Illamasqua products. They are cruelty-free, have a background in stage make-up (so their stuff stays put!), they have an extensive vegan collection and they actively encourage individuality - you want a deep sea blue and green lipstick? They've got it! Every year, Illamasqua have a January sale and I held out as long as I can because now I know that they'll keep adding things as the month goes on. I hopped over on Friday to have a browse through... Go. Go now. There are some AMAZING bargains!
READ MORE »Rebecca's wedding
Rebecca came to me to ask about wedding hair and make-up after a bit of a disastrous trial (her words, not mine!) She knew what she wanted but the other make-up artist hadn't done what she'd asked. She booked in with myself and Lucille's Locks, and the Dream Team bundled our way to Repton in Derbyshire on a bank holiday weekend.
Laura & Joe at Calke Abbey
Laura and Joe may have got married in 2016, but I'm mega behind on my blogging and I absolutely wanted to share these photos from Humpston and Bull Photography. Every time I have to submit images somewhere I want to put one in from Laura's wedding because she looked sensational; just look at that smile!
Romantically minimalist at Wollaton Hall
Wollaton Hall needs no introduction; if you live in or around Nottingham, you'll know it! For those who aren't from Nottingham, it's a Grade II listed Elizabethan house within the Nottingham City boundaries and is a little slice of calm. It's home to Nottingham Natural History Museum, two different types of endangered Japanese deer and most famously known for being 'Wayne Manor' from Batman's A Dark Knight Rises.
Is this thing on...?
So I’m Sali, I’m 29 and I’ve lived in Nottingham for about ten years. I hail from Wrexham in Wales and have been a make-up artist for around 8 years now. My nickname on moving to Nottingham was Salimoo and when I needed to decide on a business name, Ms Moo Make Up was just a natural choice.
Zoe's photoshoot
Zoe emailed us to say; "I have been struggling with my weight since forever and have decided enough is enough. I'm going to stop abusing my body, and celebrate it! To mark my change in attitude, I want a new fun-loving, burlesque-inspired look and was wondering if you would help me? :)"
You can bet your butt we can help!
2016 - that's a wrap!
I can remember starting this blog in late 2015 and writing up my review of the year and wondering how I was ever going to get to write a blog each week - well I've done it! I've managed 51 blogs in 52 weeks which is astounding for me; and there's more to come! I did a list back in August 2016 of everything I've done this year, so I've managed to add on the other months to compile the below list. Are you ready?!
Thanksgiving is usually a US and Canadian tradition and whatever your feelings on it, I think the main thing that's important these days is that people spend time together and appreciate each other. I'm looking forward to celebrating the holidays this year and I figure now is a nice time to do a little reflecting and thanksgiving myself!
READ MORE »Behind the scenes with Moo
In September 2020 I'll have been full-time self-employed for three years, and what a rollercoaster it's been!
I've done more one-to-one makeup lessons than ever, been a part of many more wedding mornings that I can remember, and done makeup for lots of exciting projects. I also won an award (Freelance Make Up Specialist of the Year 2018 at the English Hair and Beauty Awards!), and have JUST last week found out I'm a finalist for Bridal Makeup Specialist of the Year 2020 and the Make Up Awards.
I'll have been doing weddings for a decade this year, and 2020 has been shaping up so beautifully.
READ MORE »Best of 2024
Who doesn't love a round up of the year? Here are some gorgeous clients over 2024 that trusted me for their wedding makeup! As we're now in 2025, I'm in my 14th year of doing makeup and I've now tipped into having been part of 400 wedding mornings - how awesome is that?!