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« Hayley's wedding Choosing your wedding makeup artist »


Categories: Skincare

I shared this Beyonce retouch photo on my Facebook a couple of weeks ago. I've felt this blog post brewing for a little while, so decided to get my thoughts out after having spoken about it with other industry professionals.

I'm talking about Photoshop and retouching of images. I don't think the unretouched photo is that great (make-up wise) but my feeling around these images is that the make-up artist responsible probably didn't have much time to get things right so she shouldn't be bad mouthed. Beyonce is likely to have a team around her for every makeup and skincare need she has but we forget that whilst she does have this life of privilege, she's a working mother, with ridiculous hours, tour schedules, rehearsals, travelling etc. Let's cut her some slack for having skin like EVERYONE ELSE because she's busting her butt with work and family. Reality check; it's what real-life skin looks like!

I know I'm not the only makeup artist who's been given a heavily retouched photo, or a board of images on Pinterest and asked if that level of flawless is achievable. It makes my heart sink.

Wrinkles aren't going to go away without a professional procedure. My kit doesn't include polyfiller, and no one else's will. Dry patches of skin will need exfoliating and regularly. Most people will have 'unsightly' hairs growing out of their face. You really do need to cleanse your face in the morning and at night, AND moisturise twice a day; you might not wear any make-up day today but this is skincare. To me, it's as important as brushing your teeth twice a day.

I wanted to share some unretouched images of my work by Luna Photography. We've worked together extensively but she's a big part of why I started doing make-up at all back in 2008 ish. Here's a couple of weddings we've done and a close up from a photoshoot showing the difference in a retouched image.

I've been taught well in that photographers would rather you get it right in camera. If time allows, take that time to get it right; you'll be happier with your work, your client will be happier as will your photographer! Equally, your face is bloody gorgeous. Love the skin you're in. Take care of it and it'll love you back for a long time! Also, don't throw other people under the bus for being a human being and not being flawless as it's unobtainable; but in the words of Bruno Mars, you're perfect just the way you are.

Tags: skincare, confidence, exfoliator, self esteem, advice, beauty, make-up artist, damaged skin, moisturise, self care, retouching


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