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Christmas Present Ideas 2024
Following my Christmas Beauty Gift List last week, here's my regular gift list! Lots of great small businesses, and other recommendations from me from over the course of the year that I think you'll enjoy!
READ MORE »Christmas Beauty Gift Ideas 2024
We are all feeling the cost of living the last 18-24 months, and no more so than at Christmas! So I'm back again with my Christmas Gift guide for all beauty lovers, but breaking it down into price guides and aiming more at the great stocking fillers.
READ MORE »Christmas Present Ideas
Welcome to the season of sparkle and joy! As the festive spirit takes over, what better way to celebrate than by giving the gift of glamour? This Christmas, immerse your loved ones in a world of beauty with my carefully curated makeup gift guide.
Whether you're shopping for a makeup enthusiast or someone just starting their beauty journey, we've got the perfect picks to make their holiday season merry and bright.
READ MORE »Christmas Gifts For Make Up Lovers
Here we are; the Christmas season is upon us and it's time for some of my top makeup picks of the year! Perfect for any makeup lover in your life, or if you're looking to update your own makeup bag for a festive party. Feel free to ask in my Facebook group if you've any questions about products, or you can contact me directly.
READ MORE »Make-up Lessons - Christmas offer!
So I know it’s a bit early to talk about Christmas but the time has come, and I’m feeling festive already! Maybe it’s the Christmas adverts on TV or mince pies in the shops or the fact that Baileys in on offer EVERYWHERE! Either way, I’m feeling jolly and in the festive spirit (okay, maybe that IS the Baileys...!) so from NOW until CHRISTMAS EVE at 11.59pm, my 1-2-1 make-up lessons are going to be reduced from £65.00 to £50.00!
READ MORE »Ms Moo's Sales Shopping List
I decided early on this year not to do Christmas presents with friends or family, but to donate to some charities close to my heart. I'm going to donate what I would've spent on presents (Framework, CALM, Heads Together and MOAS) and instead of going to be booking in some mates' dates! Exchanging time is far more valuable to me when I'm this busy so I'm looking forward to planning some of them in for the coming months.
Swancar Farm Wedding
My last wedding of 2019 was with the lovely Charlene and her babes at Swancar Farm Country House. Getting married just before we entered 2020, the venue was still decorated for Christmas which you just know is going to be beautiful!
DIY SOS - Save our Skin!
Okay, so now it's reeeeally pretty cold and we need to do something about the effects it's having on us. The cold mornings are biting at your nose and toes, your lips are chapped and your skin is drier than a desert. Central heating and air conditioning are awful for your skin. Before this winter really takes hold, take 30 minutes out of your evening to do this and Save Our Skin! If you’re like me, you’re skint in prepping for Christmas so I want to keep this cheap as chips and you can use a lot of ingredients from your kitchen and store cupboard to look after your face. Free beauty treatments? Woo! Maybe you can get your partner or a mate to help or even join in :)
(by Luna Photography aka Flashes and Lashes)
READ MORE »Skincare Resolutions
Hope you've all had a cracking Christmas! If you're anything like me, I'm full to the brim with amazing food (roast duck, wow!) and too many bottles of prosecco to count...! Did you get any skincare goodies under your tree for Christmas? This lucky Sali got no7's Ultimate Collection gift set; yay! It's got the no7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Day AND Night Cream, oodles of bath goodies and both the Beautiful Skin Cleansing Lotion and Beautiful Skin Dry Skin Rescue; both staples in my kit at work and at home.
2016 - that's a wrap!
I can remember starting this blog in late 2015 and writing up my review of the year and wondering how I was ever going to get to write a blog each week - well I've done it! I've managed 51 blogs in 52 weeks which is astounding for me; and there's more to come! I did a list back in August 2016 of everything I've done this year, so I've managed to add on the other months to compile the below list. Are you ready?!
Happy holidays!
Just a quick line to say have a wonderful Christmas if you're celebrating and hope you all enjoy some time 'off' with your nearest and dearest.
2022 dates
My wedding makeup diary for 2022 is open and filling up fast, so I wanted to put together this blog so you know what dates are already booked in my diary.
If your wedding date is NOT listed below, please contact me to book your wedding makeup.
(Photo by Camera Hannah, one of my recommended suppliers)
READ MORE »The Best Red Lipsticks
With Valentine's Day looming ahead, all I've noticed on TV recently is red lipsticks so I figured I'd write about some of my favourites!
READ MORE »International Womens Day 2024
I never work on International Women's Day. It's the 8th March, and every year - along with my birthday, and my work anniversary, and Christmas - I buy myself a nice cake and a bottle of champagne! I absolutely make sure that I book the day off in my diary in advance. I wholly believe in celebrating myself on International Women's Day and think you should too! Especially as this year it falls on a Friday.
Last year I wrote a blog recommending some of my favourite female wedding suppliers who're doing great things. This year's theme is #InspireInclusion - here to celebrate those people who raise you up, bring you under their wing, who'll speak about you in rooms you're not in, and who will cheerlead you when you're rocking and comfort you when you're sobbing. There's very few people that will do that so selflessly, so this blog is here to celebrate those that I've found provide that incredible support and do things every day that will inspire inclusion in all that they do.
READ MORE »My eyebrows and me
Five kit essentials
Investing in the right kit as a makeup artist is so important; when you're working on a number of different faces, you want to be assured that the products in your makeup kit are going to have your back! But as a makeup wearer, noone wants to buy the wrong stuff either. Not in a cost of living crisis, and not when the price of makeup keeps increasing. So I've put together five of my kit essentials that I'll be recommending time and time again, to makeup artists and to makeup lovers alike. And at the bottom of the blog are my discount codes you can use for buying the below products, and 1000's more!
READ MORE »Stay in touch
I'll tell everyone and anyone in earshot how much I love my job.
I get to spend wedding mornings with wonderful clients and get to make them feel and look amazing on one of the best days of their lives! I get to soothe them when they are anxious, tell stupid jokes, give helpful advice, and be a hands-on practical person when it comes to putting on buttonholes, lacing up dresses etc.
Then you're off to get married, I wave you away and often won't see you again! A hug and a kiss and best wishes for the day and poof! You're off to the biggest and best party of your life with all your nearest and dearest, and I'm off for a nap.
But I'd love to keep in touch with you! I don't want to be a one-time fling, so let's stay in touch!
This blog is about how we can keep in touch, and how you can continue to support your wedding makeup artist (or any other supplier that you've clicked with!) after your wedding day.
My illamasqua must haves
Illamasqua is a makeup artists best friend. I constantly bang on about them in my 1-2-1 lessons and at my bridal trials when clients ask who they are or why have they heard of them in stores. As they've announced a 20% off sale over Easter, I thought I'd guide you through some of my all-time favourite products that will enhance any makeup kit tenfold. Strap in!
Power lipstick
Lipstick is so underrated. In these cold and dark weeks after Christmas, everyone's mood slums and enthusiasm for the New Year wains ever so slightly until the days noticeably get longer and payday comes around again. Last week was a washout. I felt rubbish about everything and couldn't motivate myself at all, then I beat myself up for feeling like that instead of being nice to myself. I had to nap because I was exhausted from not sleeping properly, so I wasn't kind to myself about that either! When you feel this low, it's difficult to motivate yourself. I'd flicked through my Timehop in bed and came across this:
"Today is a power lipstick kind of day."
Luna Photography
I've known Emma for a bleedin' long time now - over 10 years! I met her on the internet (anyone remembers LiveJournal?!) and we met up in 2006 when I moved to Nottingham. Not too long afterwards, I ended up stealing her from Newcastle and she's lived in Nottingham now for probably 8 years. We have a studio together in Hockley and work together as Flashes and Lashes when we're not shooting weddings. Flashes and Lashes have had to take a back burner in the last 12 months but that's no bad thing because we're both doing AMAZING weddings and sometimes we get to work together too - yay!
Interview: Pin Up Curl
Sarah from Pin-Up Curl is my work-wife! We work on loads of vintage weddings together, and I know that any wedding morning I'm with her, we'll have an absolute blast. I'm gutted that it's now over a year since I've seen her and worked with her, and can't chuffing wait to see her! Here's a little catch-up with her about the last 12 months and her future plans...
(by Shot by Amy)
READ MORE »Five must have products for a tenner or under
Someone asked me at a make-up lesson recently what my favourite budget product was. In my make-up kit, I have got a whole range of products and brands and I'll always try to find a high street version of a premium brand. Not always easy but I do try! However, here's 5 products that are all £10.00 or under that I wholly recommend you get for your kit.
2015 - that's a wrap!
2015 has been incredible for Ms Moo and for me personally. I've tried to tot up my top 5 moments/achievements of the year for both!
Treatment Tuesday with Nickie Devolution
I've known Nickie through the alt online scene for a fair few years now (Facebook says 5 years, but I reckon longer with the age of Myspace!) she is the owner and founder of Devolution Magazine and The Alt Collective, a fashion and art charity event that started in 2009. She's a one-woman machine with a dedicated contributing team working on the only alternative independent print magazine out there covering fashion, music, art, tattoos, lifestyle culture and photography; Devolution recently released Issue 40 of the magazine signifying 10 years of actual print! A decade of independent publishing is an incredible feat.
Lizzie's wedding day
I've known Lizzie for quite a while as I work for the same company as her, and I'd done her make-up a few times for Flashes and Lashes' shoots. She emailed me in September 2014 to ask about wedding availability for August 2015 as she wanted to check if some of her favourite suppliers were available before she booked the venue... how honoured am I?!
Hangover repairs
You wake up, you don’t know what time it is, you don’t WANT to know what time it is but you know you’ve got that thing to go to today, and you really don’t want to but you really have to and why, oh why did I have that Sambuca to finish the night... does this sound familiar?! C’mon, let’s not beat about the bush here; holidays are comin’, as are the hangovers. Dirty indulgent hangovers from all the dirty indulgent festive booze...! Here's a photo of me from over 10 years ago after a Christmas party. It is NOT pretty; but it's here to show that I know how awful you can feel (and look, let's be honest!) the morning after the night before when you did all those sambucas...!
READ MORE »Best of 2024
Who doesn't love a round up of the year? Here are some gorgeous clients over 2024 that trusted me for their wedding makeup! As we're now in 2025, I'm in my 14th year of doing makeup and I've now tipped into having been part of 400 wedding mornings - how awesome is that?!