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My eyebrows and me; part two
I posted this blog back in September 2016 about my eyebrows and me. The appointment with the salon I had booked my eyebrows with didn't go ahead, and it did knock my confidence a bit; my eyebrows are really important to me, and not having had any for 10+ years it was really disappointing to be treated so badly. But it didn't deter me in finally getting them done, it just took me 6 months to find time where I could get them done!
My eyebrows and me
Favourite Eyebrow Products
If eyes are the windows to the soul, then the eyebrows are the window frames; and it's soon noticable when they are rotten!
Wollaton Hall Wedding
Agate got married back in August 2019, and I'd seen a few snaps from her photographer over on Instagram and I knew they'd be beautiful. Back in January when I knew I needed to get back on my blogging game, I got in touch with her photographer to ask if I could peek through the photos. I found time to do that what with a pandemic, and now here I am, blogging about that very wedding!
Power lipstick
Lipstick is so underrated. In these cold and dark weeks after Christmas, everyone's mood slums and enthusiasm for the New Year wains ever so slightly until the days noticeably get longer and payday comes around again. Last week was a washout. I felt rubbish about everything and couldn't motivate myself at all, then I beat myself up for feeling like that instead of being nice to myself. I had to nap because I was exhausted from not sleeping properly, so I wasn't kind to myself about that either! When you feel this low, it's difficult to motivate yourself. I'd flicked through my Timehop in bed and came across this:
"Today is a power lipstick kind of day."
Ruth at The Walled Garden
August 2018 went by in a bit of a blur as I did more weddings that month than I'd ever done before. During the lockdown, it's been great going back through my photo archives to find weddings to blog, and I came across Ruth and Tim's big day. I spoke with Emily And Katy Photography who captured the day at The Walled Garden in Beeston and browsed their beautiful images. I've also included Ruth's review of hiring me which truly made me cry!
Hangover repairs
You wake up, you don’t know what time it is, you don’t WANT to know what time it is but you know you’ve got that thing to go to today, and you really don’t want to but you really have to and why, oh why did I have that Sambuca to finish the night... does this sound familiar?! C’mon, let’s not beat about the bush here; holidays are comin’, as are the hangovers. Dirty indulgent hangovers from all the dirty indulgent festive booze...! Here's a photo of me from over 10 years ago after a Christmas party. It is NOT pretty; but it's here to show that I know how awful you can feel (and look, let's be honest!) the morning after the night before when you did all those sambucas...!
READ MORE »Lilith's wedding make-up
Lilith contacted me in very early January this year to book me for her wedding make-up after following me on Instagram for a while. She wanted mega natural make-up, matte shadow and luscious lashes – and so we delivered! We had some emails back and forth about dry skin and irritated peeling lips so I gave her some advice to get her skin in tip-top condition for her wedding day and wedding make-up. She said (and I quote) "Thank you so much for your message and such kind words – I am now about 100000% sure I have picked the right person to do my wedding make up!"
Vogue Italia and me
It was back in January 2015 that Rozalind Williams contacted me about her idea for a shoot. She wanted to shoot portraits of a model with tense hands clutching onto items such as broken teacups, ripped up letters and scrunched up love letters. It was to be softly lit, warm tones with a romantic feel. She'd arranged for Ash Millman to be our model for the day, having fallen in love with her Cupid's bow and hair colour. And honestly, how couldn't you?!
Five must have products for a tenner or under
Someone asked me at a make-up lesson recently what my favourite budget product was. In my make-up kit, I have got a whole range of products and brands and I'll always try to find a high street version of a premium brand. Not always easy but I do try! However, here's 5 products that are all £10.00 or under that I wholly recommend you get for your kit.
Wedding Make Up Interview with: Lottie and Emma
Lottie and Emma got married at the lovely Cockliffe Country House in July 2023. They'd originally planned for 2020, but then EVERYTHING happened and they postponed to 2021. Seeing how things we're in early 2021, they decided to postpone their wedding reception to 2023 so that COVID could absolutely chuff off and they would be safe in the knowledge their wedding celebrations would be as full throttle as they initially planned!
And it absolutely was, but they had damn good reason to celebrate. Not only had they dealt with the pandemic, they relocated back to Nottingham after living in London for 10 years. Lottie also underwent emergency urgent spinal surgery the week of her legal ceremony. A rough couple of years, but these two were ready to let their hair down...!
Lottie and Emma both answered these questions seperately by email so don't know what the other answered, haha!