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« More than a makeup artist Wedding Make Up Interview with: Melanie »

Interview: Red Robin Cakery

Categories: Supplier Interviews

Red Robin Cakery is ran by the lovely Sophie, who's been baking for nearly seven years. I've only met Sophie once (during lockdown when she was creating incredible brownie boxes!) but we always seem to end up having weddings together and realise later in the day on Instagram when I see which venue she's been to drop off a cake that morning!

How’re things with you? Tell me what's happening in your world!
Things are good! Excited that weddings have started gearing up again and I have some cool designs in the diary for this year - can't wait to get started. 

How did you get into creating wedding cakes, and baking in general?
I have always baked since being a kid. My mum is a great baker so I would always be helping her out. I started baking for fun while I was at university (doing criminology - very different to my current job!), and then started Red Robin Cakery as a bit of a side hustle to make a little bit of money. Wedding cakes were a natural progression from this once I went full-time with the business, and I have been doing them for around 6 years now. 

What have you looked forward to the most in getting back to work, post-pandemic?

Being back as a part of people's special day has been amazing. We meet so many lovely people from the couples, other suppliers, venue staff - the list is never-ending. And nothing will beat getting a message from the couple saying how much they loved the cake - it will always make our day!

What, if anything, have you done differently or have seen done differently?
When I started in weddings, I tried to be quite casual and social with how my business appeared. I think that has become much more the norm now with Instagram etc, but at the time I started, I felt like it was a little different to others around me. 
I suppose the things I have done differently are all a result of that, getting bookings from couples who wanted to go a little outside the box with their cake/s and mix it up. 

The industry has changed a lot in the ten+ years I’ve been in business, and I’m sure it has for you too. What do you lament, and what are you pleased has changed?
Unhelpful, I know, but I wouldn't say there was much I miss. Since I started in weddings, I have found my own style of cake decorating and also my own style of running a business and I'm lucky to be able to do that. There are a lot of wedding cake trends that have passed but I can't say I miss them much haha! I'm so pleased that people are starting to bring more of their style into their weddings and doing something just for them instead of what they 'should' do. Everything is a lot less regimented and every type of couple can find a style of supplier to suit them and a format of wedding day to suit them too. 

What was the best thing to come out of lockdown for you or your business?  

My new unit for sure! Lockdown was tough for business, but the wedding season when we were back was going to be impossible to complete from my home kitchen. So, it was time to take the leap into getting a unit and I'm so glad we did!

What’s the best piece of feedback you’ve ever had about your work?

I always love it when people compliment the taste. Wedding cakes can get a bad reputation for tasting rubbish, so I love it when people tell me that their guests had commented on how tasty it was. 

Could you pick one thing people should have at their wedding?

Cake - obviously! But jokes aside, whatever you both love. Whether that's food, cake, music, flowers. You do you!

What advice would you give to someone planning a wedding?  

Do it for yourselves. Don't spend too much time thinking about what other people would like to see at your wedding and do what you would both love. Pick suppliers you trust to deliver something great and don't get bogged down in the details, just enjoy the experience. 

Any embarrassing moments at/before a wedding?
Once, my car started making an almighty noise on the way to a wedding a fair distance away. Turns out it had run out of oil and I had to top up the oil right outside the venue while guests started arriving. Thankfully, I have a new car now!

Anything wedding/business related that you wished you had done differently?
I wish I had found my niche quicker and stuck to my guns to only take on orders for the sort of cakes I enjoy and am good at making. There has been a lot of sleepless nights worrying about certain aspects of cakes that could have easily been avoided. 
Oh, and purchasing air con... I wish that had happened much sooner!

Tags: Derbyshire wedding, wedding suppliers, Nottinghamshire wedding, interview, recommended supplier, wedding planning, Red Robin Cakery


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